Van der Valk

Specialist in the field of solar mounting systems

Van der Valk

Specialist in the field of solar mounting systems

Van der Valk mounting system

Van der Valk offers the perfect combination of Dutch, practical and price-conscious solutions that can be measured against the German quality standard.

The assembly systems are developed and produced in their own factory in the Netherlands and are distinguished by their wide usability, very fast assembly and high quality. They have been developed in accordance with the latest Eurocodes and therefore meet the requirements that banks and insurance companies demand in solar installations.

Fixings for virtually any roofing material

With a wide range of fastening systems, Van Der Valk has a suitable solution for every roofing material.

Van der Valk has a simple solution for every configuration:

ValkPro+ South

Horizontal: 10º / 15º
Vertical: 10º

ValkPro+ East West

Horizontal: 10º / 15º
Vertical: 10º

Falcon solar ramp

Falcon Double

Falcon released

Gancho colgante / Esmalte de uñas

Make your own design? Quick and easy with ValkPVPlanner

  • Easy to use, fast and complete
  • Choice of three design methods: subscribe a system to an existing building (satellite mode)
  • New building (White mode) or no building (simple mode)
  • Default values for the most common variables
  • Clear output, to present directly to the client if desired

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  • ¿Cómo calcula rápida y fácilmente un proyecto completo con el ValkPVplanner?
  • Las diferentes opciones de cálculo
  • Actualice las últimas funciones.

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